Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies

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SP 112

Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies

SEPM Special Publication 112

Donald F. McNeill, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Eugene C. Rankey, and Jean C.C. Hsieh

Publication date: 2019
Subject: Carbonates

SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) and the CSPG (Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists) convened the Mountjoy II Carbonate Research Conference in Austin, Texas, from June 25-29, 2017. The conference, honoring Eric Mountjoy and his numerous contributions as a geologist and graduate student supervisor, was attended by ~140 professors, students, and industry geologists and engineers from around the world. The theme for the conference and now SEPM Special Publication 112—Carbonate Pore Systems—follows the general concept to have topics that are relevant to the petroleum industry and therefore blend the best of cutting-edge geoscience research with industry needs by offering a major publication featuring studies with significant new results in the analysis of carbonate pore systems. This new SEPM–CSPG Special Publication is timely given the renewed interest in carbonate reservoirs, including those in carbonate mudrock deposits, as well as the many new technical advances and approaches that are being utilized in diagenetic studies.

PDF ebook file size: 459 mb

Title information


Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies—Introduction
Donald F. McNeill, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Eugene C. Rankey, and Jean C.C. Hsieh

Sedimentologic, Stratigraphic, and Diagenetic Controls on Development of Carbonate Pore Systems

Porosity in Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation (Anisian Stage), Sichuan Basin, China
Jinmin Song, Shugen Liu, Zhiwu Li, Di Yang, Wei Sun, Tong Lin, Hao Wang, Yongqiang Yu, Yi Long, and Ping Luo

Biochemical and Stratigraphic Controls on Pore-System Evolution, Phosphoria Rock Complex (Permian), Rocky Mountain Region, USA
Maxwell Pommer and J. Frederick Sarg

A Petrophysical Multivariate Approach Using Geophysical Well Logs and Laboratory Measurements to Characterize an Albian Carbonate Reservoir in the Campos Basin, Southeast Brazil
Abel Carrasquilla and Raphael Silva

Sweet Spot and Porosity Development in an Unconventional Source Rock Play
Aurelien O.E. Pierre, Kevin Mageau, Patrick Miller, Andrea (Annie) Cox, Aaron Shelby-James, and Tara Branter

Interactions in Multimodal and Multiscale Pore Systems

Evolution of Pore Types and Petrophysical Properties of Fault Rocks in Low-Porosity Carbonates
A. Cilona, J.G. Solum, A. Lucca, F. Storti, F. Balsamo, and C. Taberner

Characterizing Facies, Pore Types, and Diagenesis of a Subtidal to Peritidal Carbonate Platform for Defining Flow Units
Lucy Manifold, Ahmed El-Bozie, Cathy Hollis, and Stefan Schröder

Lateral and Vertical Trends of Preferred Flow Pathways Associated with Bioturbated Carbonate: Examples from Middle to Upper Jurassic Strata, Central Saudi Arabia
Hassan Eltom and Stephen T. Hasiotis

Characterizing the Distribution of Natural Fractures from Outcrop in a Mississippian-Aged Mixed Carbonate-Chert System, Mid-Continent, USA
Yulun Wang and G. Michael Grammer

Microporosity in Conventional and Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs

Characterization of Porosity Within a Microporous Reservoir, Shuaiba Formation of Oman
Cathy Hollis, Aisha Al Hajri, Steven Van Boxel, and Peter Lee

Pore Size and Ultrasonic Velocity: Lessons from Miss Lime Reservoirs
Rohit Raj, Priyank Jaiswal, Beth Vanden Berg, and G. Michael Grammer

Multiscale Imaging and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pore Characterization in Unconventional Carbonate Mudrocks of the Southern Midcontinent (USA): Mississippi Lime Play
Ibukun Y. Bode, Chi Zhang, Beth Vanden Berg, and G. Michael Grammer

Nature of Porosity in Marine Calcite Concretions: Insights from Ion-Micromilled Surfaces
Donald F. McNeill, Ibukun Bode-Omoleye, and G. Michael Grammer

Visualization, Quantification, and Modeling of Carbonate Pore Systems and their Fluid-Flow Behavior

High-Resolution Large Area Scanning Electron Microscopy: An Imaging Tool for Porosity and Diagenesis of Carbonate Rock Systems
Jim Buckman, Elma Charalampidou, Stephanie Zihms, Helen Lewis, Patrick Corbett, Gary Couples, Zeyun Jiang, and Tianshen Huang

Porosity Distribution and Evolution in Pleistocene Reefal Limestone: Implications for Scale-Dependent Fluid Flow
Viviana D. Diaz, Donald F. McNeill, Robert C. Goodin, and James S. Klaus

Carbonate Pore-System Influence on Hydrocarbon Displacement and Potential Recovery
Shawn Fullmer, Hisham Al Qassab, Antonio Buono, Bo Gao, Brian Kelley, and P.J. Moore

Quantitative Digital Petrography: A Novel Approach to Reservoir Characterization
Antonio Buono, Keith Peterson, Kelly Luck, Shawn Fullmer, and Paul J. Moore

PDF ebook file size: 459 mb

ISBN 978-1-56576-364-7
eISBN 978-1-56576-365-4

Pages: 300
Publisher: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
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Donald F. McNeill, Paul (Mitch) Harris, Eugene C. Rankey, and Jean C.C. Hsieh