Glacial Sedimentary Environments
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Glacial Sedimentary Environments
Gail M. Ashley, John Shaw, Norman D. Smith
Until the early 1970s, few sedimentologists had studied glacial deposits in terms of their sedimentary facies, facies associations, and stratigraphy. Glacigenic sediments were mainly analyzed in relation to landform development and geochronology of "drifts" rather than their textures, sedimentary structures, or large-scale bedding relationships.
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Title information
Until the early 1970s, few sedimentologists had studied glacial deposits in terms of their sedimentary facies, facies associations, and stratigraphy. Glacigenic sediments were mainly analyzed in relation to landform development and geochronology of "drifts" rather than their textures, sedimentary structures, or large-scale bedding relationships. As very few pre-Cenozoic glacigenic sequences have been recognized, and more importantly, the petroleum industry has generally assessed glacial deposits as having little hydrocarbon potential, research on glacially derived sedimentary facies has been limited. Most studies have focused on Pleistocene deposits, particularly on such problems as glacial chronology sea-level cycles, paleoclimatology, and the fossil record (including the evolution of man). This short course attempts to review recent studies of glacigenic deposits and to examine the relationships between physical processes and sediment characteristics in the glacial environment. The course discusses terrestrial glacial environments of deposition exclusively.
PDF ebook file size: 87 mb