Journal of Sedimentary Research 90: 5 & 6

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JSR 90:5&6

Journal of Sedimentary Research 90: 5 & 6

Publication date: 2020
Subject: Sedimentology

First published in 1931, JSR is the oldest earth science journal dedicated to the field of sedimentology. JSR continues its long tradition of publishing papers that become benchmark contributions to sedimentary geology. The journal is broad and international in scope and welcomes contributions that further the fundamental understanding of sedimentary processes, the origin of sedimentary deposits, the workings of sedimentary systems, and the records of earth history contained within sedimentary rocks.

Title information

Table of Contents                                                                                           May 2020


Lack of synsedimentary chemical alteration in polar carbonates (Ross Sea, Antarctica): resolution of a conundrum
Tracy D. Frank, Noel P. James, and Aaron I. Shultis

The origin and significance of convolute lamination and pseudonodules in an ancient deep-marine turbidite system: from deposition to diagenesis
Omar N. Al-Mufti and R. William C. Arnott

Provenance of lower Cambrian quartz arenite on southwestern Baltica: weathering versus recycling
Sanne Lorentzen, Tonje Braut, Carita Augustsson, Johan P. Nystuen, Jens Jahren, and Niels H. Schovsbo

Guidelines for assessing the provenance of Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic successions sourced by pre-Jurassic basement complexes in southernmost North America
Michelangelo Martini, Luigi Solari, Mariana Peña-Guerrero, Mildred Zepeda-Martínez, and Chiara Montomoli

Facies heterogeneity and source potential of carbonate-mudstone-dominated distal ramp deposits, Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Shawn A. Moore, Lauren P. Birgenheier, Matthias D. Greb, Daniel Minisini, Maísa Tunik, and Julieta Omarini


Submarine-fan development revealed by integrated high-resolution datasets from La Jolla Fan, offshore California, U.S.A.
Katherine L. Maier, Charles K. Paull, David W. Caress, Krystle Anderson, Nora M. Nieminski, Eve Lundsten, Benjamin E. Erwin, Roberto Gwiazda, and Andrea Fildani

Table of Contents                                                                                           June 2020


Bed-thickness frequency distributions and recurrence intervals of sediment-gravity-flow deposits intercalated in lacustrine varved diatomite: examples from the middle Pleistocene Hiruzenbara Formation, southwest Japan
Hana Sasaki, Yasunori Sasaki, Megumi Saito-Kato, Hajime Naruse, and Yoshiro Ishihara

Flow substrate interactions in aggrading and degrading submarine channels
Anjali M. Fernandes, James Buttles, and David Mohrig

Depositional and diagenetic processes in the pre-salt rift section of a Santos Basin area, SE Brazil
Caroline de Oliveira Nardi Leite, Carlos Manuel de Assis Silva, and Luiz Fernando De Ros

Calcic vertisols in the upper Daptocephalus Assemblage Zone, Balfour Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa: implications for Late Permian climate
Robert A. Gastaldo, Kaci Kus, Neil Tabor, and Johann Neveling

Paleotopography controls weathering of Cambrian-age profiles beneath the Great Unconformity, St. Francois Mountains, SE Missouri, U.S.A.
Katie J. Pevehouse, Dustin E. Sweet, Branimir Šegvić, Charles C. Monson, Giovanni Zanoni, Stephen Marshak, and Melanie A. Barnes

Diagenesis and burial history modeling of heterogeneous marginal marine to shoreface Paleocene glauconitic sandstones, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Sean R. O’Neill, Stuart J. Jones, and Peter J.J. Kamp

Pages: 224
Publisher: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
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Printed collection of all 12 issues of 2020 Journal of Sedimentary Research, volume 90, 5 double issues and 2 single issues printed as softcover books