Latitudinal Controls on Stratigraphic Models and Sedimentary Concepts
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Latitudinal Controls on Stratigraphic Models and Sedimentary Concepts
Carmen M. Fraticelli, Paul J. Markwick, Allard W. Martinius, and John R. Suter
It is self-evident that a better understanding of depositional systems and analogs leads to better inputs for geological models and better assessment of risk for plays and prospects in hydrocarbon exploration, as well as enhancing interpretations of earth history. Depositional environments - clastic and carbonate, fine- and coarse-grained, continental, marginal marine and deep marine - show latitudinal variations, which are sometimes extreme. Most familiar facies models derive from temperate and, to a lesser extent, tropical examples. By comparison, depositional analogs from higher latitudes are sparser in number and more poorly understood. Numerous processes are amplified and/or diminished at higher latitudes, producing variations in stratigraphic architecture from more familiar depositional "norms.” The joint AAPG/SEPM Hedberg Conference held in Banff, Alberta, Canada in October 2014 brought together broad studies looking at global databases to identify differences in stratigraphic models and sedimentary concepts that arise due to differences in latitude and to search for insights that may be applicable for subsurface interpretations. The articles in this Special Publication represent a cross-section of the work presented at the conference, along with the abstracts of the remaining presentations. This volume should be of great interest to all those working with stratigraphic models and sedimentary concepts.
PDF ebook file size: 385 mb
ISBN 978-1-56576-346-3
eISBN 978-1-56576-347-0
Title information
The Impact of Latitude on Sedimentary Systems and Facies Models
Carmen M. Fraticelli, Paul J. Markwick, Allard W. Martinius, and John R. Suter
Latitudinal Controls on Siliciclastic Sediment Production and Transport
J.P. Syvitski, Albert J. Kettner, Irina Overeem, G. Robert Brakenridge, and Sagy Cohen
Are Tides Controlled by Latitude?
Robert W. Dalrymple and Laurie Padman
Latitudinal Variability of Carbonate Systems Today and During Icehouse and Greenhouse Worlds
Maria Mutti
Latitudinal Controls on River Systems: Implications of Precipitation Variability
Piret Plink-Björklund
Latitudinal Changes in the Morphology of Submarine Channels: Reevaluating the Evidence for the Influence of the Coriolis Force
Zoltán Sylvester and Carlos Pirmez
High-Latitude Fjord Valley Fills: A Case Study of Clyde Fjordhead, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada
Irina Overeem, Jason P. Briner, Albert J. Kettner, and James P.M. Syvitski
Climate, Sea Level, and Reservoir Quality in Deposits of Polar Glacimarine Settings: Insights from the Neogene Succession of the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica
Daniel P. Dunham, Tracy D. Frank, and Christopher R. Fielding
Evaluating Northern High-Latitude Paleoclimate Model Results Using Paleobotanical Evidence from the Middle Cretaceous
M. Harland, P. Valdes, D.J. Lunt, J.E. Francis, A. Farnsworth, C. Loptson, D.J. Beerling, and P.J. Markwick
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Permian Coastal to Shallow-Marine Successions in the Western Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia: An Evaluation of Evidence for High-Latitude Depositional Environments
Christopher R. Fielding, Kerrie L. Bann, Michael A. Martin, and Tracy D. Frank
Climatic Controls on Sedimentation During Deposition, Western Tasmania, Australia
S.A. Mahmud, M. Hall, and Khalid A. Almalki
Late Paleozoic Carbonates and Glacial Deposits in Bolivia and Northern Argentina: Significant Paleoclimatic Changes
Mercedes M. Di Pasquo, Heidi J. Anderson Folnagy, Peter E. Isaacson, and George W. Grader
AAPG/SEPM Hedberg Research Conference Abstracts
Uncertainty in Using Stratigraphic Models for Exploration—How Latitude Introduces Variability in Sedimentary Systems
C.M. Fraticelli, A.M. Martinius, P. Markwick, and J.R. Suter
Sequence Stratigraphic Models—Latitudinally Derived Differences
C.M. Fraticelli and J.R. Suter
Building High-Latitude Sequence Stratigraphic Models, with Examples from Eocene through Miocene Successions on the Antarctic Continental Margin
Sandra Passchier, Dan Ciarletta, and Melissa Hansen
Temperate Glacimarine Sequence Stratigraphy
Ross D. Powell
Controls on the Latitudinal Distribution of Climate Processes: Results from Earth System Model Simulations
Joellen L. Russell
Paleolatitudinal Controls on Depositional Processes and Products: A Reality Check from Global Analogues of Clastic and Carbonate Reservoirs
Jose I. Guzman and Allard W. Martinius
Organic Enrichment in Time and Space
A. Davies, J. Etienne, L. Robinson, and G. Baines
Latitudinal Controls on Mudstone Deposition—Predicting Large-Scale Controls on Lithofacies Variability and Implications for Predicting Source and Unconventional Reservoir Distributions
Joe Macquaker
Contrasting Parameters of Deposition and Erosion of High- vs. Low-Latitude Muddy Shelf Seas—An Experimental Perspective
Juergen Schieber
Petroleum Source Rocks and the Predictive Modeling of Marine Productivity: Paleogeographic and Paleo-Earth Systems Controls on Latitudinal Distribution Patterns
Jim Harris, Alexandra Ashley, Simon Otto, Rob Crossley, Ros Preston, Carl Watkins, John Watson, Mike Goodrich, Paul Valdes, Jon Hill, and Peter Allison
Large-Scale Climate Teleconnections Driving Marine Black Shale Formation in the Mesozoic Ocean: Conceptual Ideas from Jurassic–Cretaceous Case Studies
Thomas Wagner, Howard Armstrong, Liam Heherringshaw, Jonathan Imber, Sascha Flögel, and Peter Hofmann
Sediment Delivery and Retention in a High-Latitude Coastal Delta: A Study of the Great Whale River, Hudson Bay, Canada
Peter Hülse and Samuel J. Bentley, Sr.
Latitudinal Controls on Submarine Channels: Processes and Deposits
J. Peakall, M.G. Wells, and R. Cossu
Latitudinal Controls on Modern Shoreline Geometries
Björn Nyberg and John Howell
A Conceptual Model of Ice Shelf Sedimentation
M.W. Mayerle and R.D. Powell
Latitudinal Controls and Caveats on the Distribution of Trace Fossils and Their Resultant Textures in Continental and Marine Depositional Systems
Stephen T. Hasiotis, Murray K. Gingras, Alan H. Halfen, Adam M. Jackson, Peter P. Flaig, and Dolores A. Van Der Kolk
A High-Latitude Signature Evidenced by Distinctive, Recurring Facies and Sedimentary-Pedogenic Structures in the Late Cretaceous Prince Creek Formation, North Slope of Alaska
Peter P. Flaig, Paul J. McCarthy, Anthony R. Fiorillo, Dolores A. Van Der Kolk, Susana Salazar
High Latitude Tidal Environments—Examples from Braganzavågen, Svalbard, and Their Implications for Facies Models and Stratigraphy
Maria A. Jensen, Eiliv Larsen, Astrid Lyså, and Samuel Faucherre
In Pursuit of a High-Latitude Signature During the Late Cretaceous Greenhouse: A Comparison Between Shallow Marine Storm Deposits in the Schrader Bluff Formation, Alaska, and the Kenilworth and Grassy Members of the Blackhawk Formation, Utah
Dolores A. Van Der Kolk, Peter P. Flaig, and Stephen T. Hasiotis
PDF ebook file size: 385 mb