New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World
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New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World
Norman C. Rosen, Paul Weimer, Sylvia Maria Coutes dos Anjos, Sverre Henrickson, Edmundo Marques, Mike Mayall, Richard Fillon, Tony D'Agostino, Art Saller, Kurt Campion, Tim Huang, Rick Sarg, Fred Schroeder
Continental margins have often played a significant, and sometimes dominant role, in previous Bob F. Perkins conferences. However, the last conference to deal with this geographic area explicitly was in 2000.
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Continental margins have often played a significant, and sometimes dominant role, in previous Bob F. Perkins conferences. However, the last conference to deal with this geographic area explicitly was in 2000. The advancement in exploration techniques has exploded since then and “new” margins are now in the exploration forefront. The Perkins Conference provides a unique opportunity for such a discussion and dissemination of knowledge. It is small enough, by having only one session at a time, to provide a great deal of interaction. Yet it is large enough to allow participation and input of the local, out-of-state, and the international community. We have tried to organize the sessions by area, starting off with the Gulf of Mexico, the grandfather of continental margin exploration; then to Australia/New Zealand. We then head east to South America, and then keep moving east to Africa. We then jump back to North America and finish in Europe and Asia. Without question, the Gulf Coast Section has many friends!