Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy

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Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy

SEPM Special Publication 90

Gary J. Hampson, Ronald J. Steel, Peter M. Burgess , Robert W. Dalrymple

Publication date: 2008

Siliciclastic shallow-marine deposits record the interface between land and sea, and its response to a variety of forcing mechanisms: physical process regime, the internal dynamics of coastal and shelfal depositional systems, relative sea level, sediment flux, tectonic setting, and climate.

PDF ebook file size: 96 mb

ISBN 978-1-56576-131-5
eISBN 978-1-56576-318-0

Title information

Siliciclastic shallow-marine deposits record the interface between land and sea, and its response to a variety of forcing mechanisms: physical process regime, the internal dynamics of coastal and shelfal depositional systems, relative sea level, sediment flux, tectonic setting, and climate. These deposits have long been the subject of conceptual stratigraphic models that seek to explain the interplay between these various forcing mechanisms, and their preservation in the stratigraphic record. This volume arose from an SEPM research conference on shoreline-shelf stratigraphy that was held in Grand Junction, Colorado, on August 24-28, 2004. The aim of the resulting volume is to highlight the development over the last 15 years of the stratigraphic concepts and models that are used to interpret siliciclastic marginal-marine, shallow-marine, and shelf deposits.

PDF ebook file size: 96 mb

Pages: 500
Publisher: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
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Gary J. Hampson, Ronald J. Steel, Peter M. Burgess , Robert W. Dalrymple