Petroleum Geology

Featured titles

New Understanding of the Petroleum Systems of Continental Margins of the World
32nd Annual Conference
Norman C. Rosen, Paul Weimer, Sylvia Maria Coutes dos Anjos, Sverre Henrickson, Edmundo Marques, Mike Mayall, Richard Fillon, Tony D'Agostino, Art Saller, Kurt Campion, Tim Huang, Rick Sarg, Fred Schroeder
Permian Rotliegend of the Netherlands
SEPM Special Publication 98
Jurgen Grotsch and Reinhard Gaupp
Unconventional Energy Resources: Making the Unconventional Conventional
29th Annual Research Conference
Tim Carr, Tony D'Agostino, William Ambrose, Jack Pashin, Norman Rosen
Recent Advances in Models of Siliciclastic Shallow-Marine Stratigraphy
SEPM Special Publication 90
Gary J. Hampson, Ronald J. Steel, Peter M. Burgess , Robert W. Dalrymple
Answering the Challenges of Production from Deep-Water Reservoirs: Analogues and Case Histories to Aid a New Generation
28th Annual Research Conference
Kevin Schofield, Norman Rosen, Deborah Pfeiffer, Sam Johnson
The Paleogene of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Basins: Processes, Events and Petroleum Systems
27th Annual Research Conference
Lorcan Kennan, James Pindell, Norman C. Rosen
Reservoir Characterization: Integrating Technology and Business Practices
26th Annual Research Conference
Roger M. Slatt, Norman C. Rosen, Michael Bowman, John Castagna, Timothy Good, Robert Loucks, Rebecca Latimer, Mark Scheihing, Ru Smith
Petroleum Systems of Divergent Continental Margin Basins
25th Annual Conference
Paul Post, Donald Olson, Kevin Lyons, Stephen Palmes, Peter Harrison, Norman Rosen
Salt–Sediment Interactions and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity—Concepts, Applications and Case Studies for the 21st Century
24th Annual Research Conference
Paul J. Post, Donald L. Olson, Kevin T. Lyons, Stephen L. Palmes, Peter F. Harrison, and Norman C. Rosen
Shelf Margin Deltas and Linked Down Slope Petroleum Systems—Global Significance and Future Exploration Potential
23rd Annual Research Conference
H.R. Roberts, N.C. Rosen, R.H. Fillon, J.B. Anderson
