
Featured titles

Analogs for Carbonate Deposition in Early Rift Setting
SEPM Short Course 55
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, Samuel J. Purkis
Delineating and Quantifying Depositional Facies Patterns of Modern Carbonate Sand Deposits on Great Bahama Bank
SEPM Short Course 54
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, Samuel J. Purkis
Satellite Imagery, Visualization and Geological Interpretation of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank: An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs
SEPM Short Course 53
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis
Unconventional Energy Resources: Making the Unconventional Conventional
29th Annual Research Conference
Tim Carr, Tony D'Agostino, William Ambrose, Jack Pashin, Norman Rosen
Answering the Challenges of Production from Deep-Water Reservoirs: Analogues and Case Histories to Aid a New Generation
28th Annual Research Conference
Kevin Schofield, Norman Rosen, Deborah Pfeiffer, Sam Johnson
Reservoir Characterization: Integrating Technology and Business Practices
26th Annual Research Conference
Roger M. Slatt, Norman C. Rosen, Michael Bowman, John Castagna, Timothy Good, Robert Loucks, Rebecca Latimer, Mark Scheihing, Ru Smith
Depositional Processes and Reservoir Characteristics of Siltstones, Mudstones and Shales
SEPM Miscellaneous Publication
Erik D. Scott, Arnold H. Bouma
Paleozoic Carbonates of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Subsurface Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs
SEPM Special Publication 74
William G. Zempolich, Harry E. Cook
Siltstones, Mudstones and Shales: Depositional Processes and Characteristics
SEPM Miscellaneous Publication
Erik D. Scott, Arnold H. Bouma, William R. Bryant
Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World
20th Annual Conference
Paul Weimer
